Friday, July 10, 2009

Let This Go Paramore

Sorry for the lack of updates, you guys. Totally my fault. But let's see where I'm at with my stories, shall we?

Chapter 19 of Beautiful Disaster was just posted, and I have finished up to Chapter 32 of the story. (Keep in mind the story has 40 chapters, plus an epilogue.)

Brighter Than Anyone has 16 chapters for reading, and I recently finished writing Chapter 29 of the story. I was quite inspired to write that particular chapter, though I'm sure people may not be as happy to read it. Oh well. I always know a chapter is superb (in my humble opinion) if you can't stop writing it, and I couldn't stop writing Chapter 29.

Love's Back Pocket is nearly finished when it comes to the writing process. I have two chapters to write, plus an epilogue. I must say, I'm glad this story is coming to a close. Don't get me wrong - I'm glad I stuck it out and finished it, but it was harder to write than I originally expected. When it concerns the actual story, Chapter 18 was recently posted.

Danerous & Moving is, as you know, finished when it deals with the actual writing part, and Chapter 21 of the story was posted yesterday. It's not as popular as my other stories, but I'm quite proud of it.

Heroes & Thieves is not under hiatus anymore. Thanks to pirates and John Dillenger and, of course, Public Enemies, I have found new excitement and inspiration for the story, and have started an outline so I know where I'm going. *Thanks to everyone who's stuck with it for so long! Chapter 17 was recently posted with the promise that more chapters were coming soon.

I also plan to post The Dead Man's Tale, which is the first original story I ever finished, and something I'm remarkably proud of. Chapters are longer, and the storyline is (I find) quite interesting. It's, of course, about pirates, treasure, and romance. Throw Shakespeare into the mix, and there you have it, without giving too much away.

Three new story ideas (coming soon!) are as follows:

Blackout - Two CIA agents who happen to be partners always seem to be at odds with each other. Jeffery Beech is a devestatingly handsome, arrogant agent with swagger while Mina Wilshire is intelligent, laidback, and the only one of Beech's female partners who has resisted his charms... until one night, when neither can deny temptation any longer. They pretend as though nothing has happened, and manage to work together without problems - save for the sudden realization of feelings. Then Mina is kidnapped, just moments after learning something about herself, by none other than The Director, a man notorious for kidnapping young women and having them lip synch to a CD of their choosing, releasing one song every hour. If the police can't reach her by the time the CD is finished, she is killed. Mina's CD of choice is Britney Spears' Blackout. Now it's up to Beech to decipher the clues Mina is trying to give him of where she is through Britney Spears song. (*Note - I've been toying with this idea for a long time, and though I have an outline planned, I feel it's missing something so it may not be out quite as soon as the other stories.)

Stumble - Gemma Harrison is merely trying to go through college as normally as she possibly can, given the fact that she is the daughter of the head of the CIA. When Brent learns of credible threats against his daughter's welfare, he enlists one of his best agents originally from MI6, Daniel Bond, to help out concerning Gemma's safety. To Brent, the best bet for Gemma to remain normal and to down play any suspicion in hopes to keep her as safe as possible, he suggests Daniel and Gemma pretend to get married. This way, she'll have a protector with her at all times. The problem is, Daniel and Gemma don't exactly hit it off, and marriage seems to be the least of their problems... (*Note - I originally planned to write this story along with the ones I'm currently writing now, but my inspiration ran dry. However, it's sparked a bit, at least concerning this story, and I'm currently working on an outline for it.)

Lose Myself in You - In another world where werewolves live among humans, a select group of people make it their mission to take down these beasts. Blair Barker is a member of the Nocturnal Defense Society, wanting nothing more than to take down as many werewolves as she can. On a secret mission, she meats Logan Black, Alpha-male and in charge of a large group of werewolves. Before he lets her leave, however, he nips her neck. Blair returns to normal, as normal as she can possibly get. Except now she starts feeling different, having intimate dreams that featured Logan, and Logan himself can't get Blair out of his head. Unbeknownst to either of them, in marking her, Logan has claimed her, and Blair, though she hates it, realizes she won't be satisfied with anyone else but Logan. (*Note - I have a complete albeit rough outline of this story.)

When each current story is finished (I mean finished in terms of posting on Fictionpress), I'll add a new one into the rotation.

Besides that, I think that's pretty much it. =) Glad to be back!

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